Outcomes Monitoring
We take care of the process, so you can focus on your patients.
We offer services and solutions dedicated to answering questions about patient care. As your needs evolve, we ensure our solutions scale with the services you provide to your community. From the first clinic visit through to the last follow-up, we can help you classify your patients, record and store their outcomes data, and maintain a high-quality clinical database with timely snapshots and reporting.
Research-Quality Clinical Registries
Registry implementation and documentation
Capture of patient-reported outcomes with an evidence-based dataset
- Integration of data from patient management software, electronic medical records and picture archiving and communication systems
- Work within your existing workflows to minimise staff workload
Data Management and Custodianship
Intelligent, real-time patient feedback and reporting
On-call assistance for real-time support
Systems professional services
Quality Assurance and Control
Auditing and untangling existing databases
Routine reporting to rectify data entry errors and minimise patients lost to follow-up
Regular snapshots of data quality